**** UPDATED ***
Wednesday evenings have been booked for Ultimate Frisbee at the fields from 6:30 until 8:00. Join their Facebook page for the most up to date information.
Castleton Ultimate Club
This summer it’s time to lace up and join us on the field for Ultimate Frisbee at the Castleton Sports Fields!
We are a drop-in group for ages 18+ (interested 14-17 year-olds can play with their parents or a guardian). All abilities are welcome – we can teach anyone how to play! Bring your children with you, they love to play at the playground while we get in our workout. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a willingness to have fun. Play will be in June.
For more information link to Castleton Ultimate Frisbee Facebook page and request to become a member of the group. If you have questions, contact Sarah at hutchison_sarah@hotmail.com
If you want to watch how the professionals play, have a look at this YouTube link Ultimate Frisbee . Looks like a workout