We have received information that will allow us to reopen the fields to local users with the following rules to be strictly observed:
- No more than 5 people gathering at one time in any one place, unless they reside at the same address.
- All visitors must maintain 2 meters social distancing at this facility, unless they reside at the same address.
- Masks or face coverings are strongly encouraged and are mandatory if social distancing cannot be maintained. A scarf is not an acceptable face covering.
- Port-a-potty is open. Sanitizer is available
- Respect others users.
All other amenities are closed due to Covid-19 protocols. If these rules are not followed, we will be forced to close our facility. Take the covide-19 self-assessment found HERE before heading out. If you feel unwell, STAY HOME!
Use of the facility is at your own risk. Castleton Sports Club Inc. and its members assume no risk or responsibility for injury or any potential bylaw fines that could be laid.